Come Shop at HOPE 4 Kids.
Schedule a Shopping Appointment for Your Family
At HOPE 4 Kids, we are honored to support foster families by providing free shopping opportunities for the children in their care. During your visit, you may shop for all the children in your household, including foster, adopted, and biological children.
Here’s what each child can receive during their visit:
Clothing: Up to 5 outfits (each outfit includes a top and bottom or a dress).
New Items:
2 pairs of pajamas
1 package of new underwear
1 pair of new shoes
Extras: Hygiene items, birthday party supplies, and birthday toys.
All items are provided free of charge to foster parents as part of our mission to support your family.
Important Information for Your Visit
Foster parents must provide documentation showing custody of the children.
Each child may shop for free in our store twice per year.
We look forward to serving you and your family. Click below to schedule your shopping appointment today!
Let us know when you will be visiting by scheduling an appointment.